How do I download the mobile app?
Visit your app store and download the Practical Reviews App to your mobile device.

How can I access the audio on the mobile app?
Once logged into the Practical Reviews App, select your specialty, the issue you’d like to view, and accept the Disclosure Agreement. On the next screen, at the top left, you should see an option that says Add to Playlist. (This addition to playlist is how you obtain the audio and the quiz for a particular issue.)
After selecting Add to Playlist, a question and three options will appear. Yes means the audio and quiz will stream from our servers, as long as you have an uninterrupted internet connection; and No cancels the download.
How can I download the audio to my iPhone for one or more Practical Reviews issues instead of using the mobile app?
Note: This process requires the iOS Podcast App. If you do not have the iOS Podcast App, you can download it for free from the App Store.
Once logged into from your mobile browser, select a volume and issue to review, and you will see download options at the top of the issue index page. Click on Enhanced Podcast. The podcast window will open and ask if you want to add the podcast. Choose Subscribe. You will then see the name of the volume and issue pop up and there will be a download process running.
Once the download process is complete, the screen will light up and you will see your issue on the right, with a blue dot to the left, which means the issue has downloaded completely.
When you click on the title of the issue on the right, the blue dot will change to a speaker icon and the issue will play continuously through the last article.
Note: For help downloading an issue via Windows Media, please contact a Customer Service Specialist by calling 800-633-4743.
How can I take a quiz on the mobile app?
Once logged into the Practical Reviews App, select your specialty, the issue you’d like to view, and accept the Disclosure Agreement. On the next screen, at the top left, you should see an option that says Add to Playlist. (This addition to playlist is how you obtain the audio and the quiz for a particular issue.)
After selecting Add to Playlist, a question and three options will appear. Yes means the audio and quiz will stream from our servers, as long as you have an uninterrupted internet connection; and No cancels the download.
How do I submit my quiz on the mobile app?
Practical Reviews subscribers must answer all questions for a particular issue before they will be allowed to submit that issue’s quiz. Each time an answer is provided, an orange dot will appear next to the corresponding article’s title in the playlist. Once all reviews that have questions associated with them have been answered, the Submit button will become active and your quiz can be submitted.